JUNE 2021
The Fradley village hall is now 21 years old, and we know that the building is looking a little tired and in need of some TLC. The hall was built on a budget and did not have wall finishes. Many of the fixtures and fittings are worn out. Time has moved on and the community's requirements have changed and the minimum standards for buildings has changed. We would like to refit the kitchen and toilets to make them more functional and hygenic. We would also like to replace the main hall flooring which is uneven and cracking. The car park is also very uneven and ponds in wet weather and may be possible to improve the layout. We would like improve the energy efficiency of the building and make it a greener building. So, the committee has made the decision to go out for some grant funding in particular from HS2 to meet the cost of some of the much-needed changes. We want you to be a part of our decision-making process.
We want you to let us know what you feel needs to be done to improve the building and make it suit the purposes for which you use the building. To help with our bid we need as many responses as possible from people who use the hall so that we can provide evidence that the funding we are going for is something people desire. We have created a survey on survey monkey where you, the people who use the hall, can have your say on what changes you would like to see. There are also hardcopy versions in Fradley Post Office and Co-Op who also act as collection points.
If you would not mind sparing 3 minutes to complete the survey linked below and if you could pass it along the link to member of your groups/guests/parents of children who regularly attend the hall, it would be greatly appreciated. The more feedback we receive will help us get approval on the grant and let us tailor the changes so that we create a hall that is a benefit to everyone.
Survey Monkey: Feedback Survey
Many Thanks,
The Fradley Village Hall Committee